“The first act of courage is simply to see things as they are”
— Peter Block

Organizational Assessment
Conducting a nonprofit organizational assessment can be a useful step in launching strategic planning or organizational capacity development.
An organizational assessment provides a framework that facilitates individual reflections and identification of shared concerns and priorities. Using an assessment tool provides common language to discuss difficult organizational issues and focuses the conversation on responses to questions within a tool rather than opinions of specific individuals. An assessment tool can also be used to monitor progress toward achieving organizational capacity milestones.
We draw upon an array of nonprofit organizational assessment tools. Our assessment tools consider organizational capacity components including vision and strategy; board, staff, and volunteer leadership; programs and services; funding; marketing and communications; finance and infrastructure; and learning and innovation.
We identify and customize the right tool for your organization by first understanding your organization’s context and then selecting the right tool to match. The customized tool we develop will depend on the size of the organization, stage in the organizational life cycle, appetite, structure, culture, and needs of each client.